Unveiling the Vibrant Legacy of Joane Cardinal-Schubert: Exploring Aboriginal Social and Historical Realities through her Bold, Colourful, Paintings
Hello Everyone
40 years of collecting Art, building a great collection. Now I am sharing artists that have made it, artists that are on the verge of making it.
Joan Cardinal-Schubert was a champion on many fronts - as an artist, a curator and an educator. Her mission - delve into the impact, policies, of a white oppressive society towards Canada’s First Nation’s people.
Her art often referenced her personal experiences, the rejection and absence of native culture in Canda.
Like many artists she deals with colonialism and the destruction of the environment.
Aside from being an artist she worked at various public institutions as an art curator and educator.
Her works were shown in galleries and museums throughout Canada and parts of the United States.